Saturday, January 16, 2010

Cheapaholic Furniture Facelift

Like many American consumers, I love new things; like most American consumers, I am on a “beer budget with champagne taste.” When I look around at my apartment, I am a little disappointed with some of my pieces of furniture – 2 in particular: chest of drawers straight out of 1985 and an old large dresser that I bought on craigslist for $20.

On a cold Saturday morning, my husband and I headed out to IKEA to buy a new mattress (desperately needed). The mattresses are wonderful there and they have a better warranty than most others out on the market. We decided against the mattress and went with a 2 inch memory foam mattress topper. It was much cheaper and there was enough leftover “freebie” money to play with. I thought of our chest of drawers and large dresser at home that we should replace. Being the Cheapaholic that I am, I decided to sleep on it.

I have a passion for designing and refurbishing furniture. The next morning, we decided that we should not spend the money on two new pieces of furniture and refurbish what we have. I was off to Lowe’s; bought 2 cans of semi-gloss enamel (oil paint, NOT latex – water-based paints tend to be a bit sticky once dried). By the end of the night I had two beautiful, new to me, pieces of furniture.

So my fellow Cheapaholics, if you ever get the urge to buy new furniture to replace something that you already have and it’s in good shape, update it! All it takes is a little paint, some fabric, or new hardware. You do not need to rush out and spend hundreds of dollars when you can make what you have even better!


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